
Q: Should every college student join a club?

–  Joining a club is entirely your decision. It is not a requirement.  I personally tried clubs and I found it hard to maintain. Meetings are normally sporadic , or in my case, my club never met and got disbanded. If you want to join a club for a resume builder, I think it would be a great idea! However, I think that there are other ways to be involved with campus that would be a great addition to your resume.  I chose to tutor, and I love it! If you’re thinking about joining a club for social reasons then why not? Just know that clubs are not the only way to find friends.

Q: I’m a freshman and my roommate and I do not get along. It’s to the point where we can’t stand being in the same room, so we avoid our dorm until nighttime. Should I change rooms?

– I would suggest trying to repair your relationship. I think communicating with each other might ease the situation. Moving rooms can be extremely difficult and may cause more problems. However, if you truly feel uncomfortable then talk to someone and maybe move. Please, try to repair your relationship first.